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Paywall is popping up infrequently
Following is part of my InAppPurchaseManager class with logic of checking subscription / free trial, updating profile etc: object InAppPurchaseManager { private var adaptyProfile = AtomicReference<AdaptyProfile?>() fun initialize(context: Context) { val fallbackPaywallLocation = FileLocation.fromAsset( ADAPTY_FALLBACK_PAYWALL_FILE ) Adapty.apply { activate( context, AdaptyConfig.Builder(apiKey = ADAPTY_API_PUBLIC_KEY) .build() ) logShowOnboarding( name = ADAPTY_PAYWALL_PLACEMENT_ID, screenName = "first_screen", screenOrder = 1 ) setFallbackPaywalls(fallbackPaywallLocation) getProfile { result -> when (result) { is AdaptyResult.Success -> { adaptyProfile.set(result.value) Timber.d(adaptyProfile.toString()) } is AdaptyResult.Error -> { val error = result.error Timber.d("Failed to get profile: ${error.message}") } } } setOnProfileUpdatedListener { updatedProfile -> adaptyProfile.set(updatedProfile) Timber.d("Profile updated: $adaptyProfile.") } } } fun hasPremiumOrFreeTrialAccess(): Boolean { return hasPremiumAccess() || hasFreeTrial() } fun hasPremiumAccess(): Boolean { return withProfile { profile -> val premiumAccess = profile.accessLevels[ADAPTY_PREMIUM_ACCESS_LEVEL_ID] premiumAccess?.isActive == true } ?: true } private fun hasFreeTrial(): Boolean { return withProfile { profile -> val premiumAccess = profile.accessLevels[ADAPTY_PREMIUM_ACCESS_LEVEL_ID] premiumAccess?.vendorProductId?.contains("trial", ignoreCase = true) == true } ?: true } private inline fun <T> withProfile(action: (profile: AdaptyProfile) -> T): T? { return adaptyProfile.get()?.let { profile -> action(profile) } ?: run { Timber.w("Profile is either not initialized yet or can't be loaded at this moment.") null } } const val ADAPTY_PAYWALL_PLACEMENT_ID = "onboarding_screen" } object AdaptyConstants { const val ADAPTY_API_PUBLIC_KEY = "<public key>" const val ADAPTY_PREMIUM_ACCESS_LEVEL_ID = "premium" const val ADAPTY_FALLBACK_PAYWALL_FILE = "android_2_11.0_fallback.json" } And this is how I'm checking the subscription status on the onResume() of my MainActivity : override fun onResume() { super.onResume() if (!InAppPurchaseManager.hasPremiumOrFreeTrialAccess()) { val intent = Intent(this, { putExtra(PaywallContainerActivity.SUBSCRIPTION_EXPIRED, true) } startActivity(intent) } } } I'm currently using Adapty v2.x with legacy builder: implementation("io.adapty:android-sdk:2.11.3") implementation("io.adapty:android-ui:2.11.1") The issue is sometimes the hasPremiumOrFreeTrialAccess() is returning false which is launching the paywall activity, even though the subscription is not expired. And when I try to re-subscribe, the Google playstore is returning that I'm already subscribed (which is working as expected). My question is why the hasPremiumOrFreeTrialAccess() is returning false infrequently even though I have active subscription? Note that, the app is currently on a "closed testing" phase on Play store. My device is not added as a testing device on Adapty app settings. This is hard to reproduce as this is infrequent and I'm not sure exactly why this is happening. Please advice! Thanks in advance.


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